Tuesday, April 28, 2020

A Look at the Skeptics and the Creationists

A Look at the Skeptics and the Creationists'Why Not Give 8 Evolution Council Rock Podcast Paper Answers?' is a hilarious look at the scientific positions of several people in the 'evolutionary trust' topic. And just for some extra fun, the foreword is by Bob Enyart, who appears to be the only person with any real knowledge on the subject matter.First up, we have Julia Silverstone, a professional skeptic who seems to have invented the phrase 'extinction balance.' She then tells us that the earth's biodiversity is likely to end due to human activities. It's great to see someone on a talk show openly pushing such a position, but it does seem a little too weird to me.Next, we have Sean Stuart, who seems to be totally ignoring the evidence for human predation in species extinction. And he does this despite the fact that he's interviewed a major, very well-known scientist who has been accused of that behavior (or at least 'lack of') before.Next, we have Ramon Bernstein, who thinks that Dar winian evolution is a joke and a lie. Again, quite bizarre to see a scientist on a talk show promoting a flat Earth view, and then to have the host of the show demand evidence. And yet, again, there is none.Next, we have Anthony, who seems to be a creationist when he believes in Noah's Flood. But is that actually what he believes? You'll never know.Then, we have Joe Rose, who seems to believe, 'Joseph didn't come back.' Again, he also believes that humans evolved from apes, and thinks that no one knows if the 'missing link' exists. All these are pretty bizarre claims.Then, we have Nicholas Sarah Bernstein, who says that we should be quite skeptical of William Lane Craig's presentation of his arguments. Again, he doesn't even like the guy that much. In fact, he argues that Craig is wrong and that scientists are simply using his arguments out of context.I guess it's no surprise that these people are debating each other's course of research and scientific understanding, as this is just par for the course when you're talking about these topics. But it sure is fun to watch.

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